Don’t Set Your iPhone To This Date, Or Else…

Don’t Set Your iPhone To This Date, Or Else…

File this one away under things not to do. Not that you’d ever have a need to do this, but whatever you do, do not set your iPhone’s date to January 1, 1970. If you do, you stand a good chance of turning your cherished smartphone into a very expensive paperweight....
Is Your Smart TV Listening To Your Personal Conversations?

Is Your Smart TV Listening To Your Personal Conversations?

The short answer to the question posed by this article’s title is yes. Yes, your smart TV is listening to your personal conversations. It’s simply a part of the way the technology works. If you spend the money to buy a smart TV, then you’re going to want to use its...
Could Selfies Soon Replace Your Passwords?

Could Selfies Soon Replace Your Passwords?

MasterCard has been experimenting with a new facial biometrics app, and is poised to roll it out in force later this year. The basic idea behind the technology is that it will employ facial recognition in the place of traditional passwords, on the thinking that while...
Will Getting Rid of Cards Increase Bank Security

Will Getting Rid of Cards Increase Bank Security

The magnetic stripes on the backs of credit and debit cards are problematic. The root of the problem is that they contain absolutely nothing in the way of security. The information they contain is completely unprotected and vulnerable to a type of attack known as...
The Dangers of Open Wi-Fi

The Dangers of Open Wi-Fi

Have you secured your Wi-Fi connection yet? If not, your neighbors may be “borrowing” your internet connection. That poses some potential dangers to you, and could even set you up for some legal trouble, but how can you tell? There are a number of indirect indicators...